hummmmmm...happy trails...sigh!
you see i was headin' on out for a fun sisters on the fly trip with lil' cupcake today but had to say wo' lil' doggy...as one of my lil' chicks is havin' a hard time breathing...
yes my sad sad heart...so miss lil' chick will need throat surgery in a few weeks...so i just couldn't leave her side... my heart would worry soooo i'm stay'in with baby chick...why yes!This Vintage housewife...wouldn't have it any other way...{she will be fine gals so don't worry, but please pray}
so because these lil' wheels won't be hittin' the open road i thought to post a lil' trailer fun while the gals are gone...every few days...i hope... i will post a few pictures of my sweet, darlin' sisters trailers...eekkkkk isn't that fun! kinda a lil' trailer adventure for all of us on the home front...
so first up..."the vintage housewife and lil' cupcake"
"Sisters on the fly" dishin' & fish-in'
"God's pink poodle" sugared goodies cookbook
"The vintage housewife's" house work helper
Daddy-o's trailer fixin' manual
Lil' chick's sweet & treats
Campin' with a wanderer's soul
next the front of my trailer...which i wanted to break up and make different from the back so we made kinda a candy store stripe on the bottom cabinets...i really wasn't sure at first but loved it when it was done....
now the back...
i wanted to tell the story of my trailer...having a vintage car and my lovely vintage clothes i had searched for years for the purrrrfect 1953' trailer...well after about 10 years of looking i found this sweet dream...she was the purrrrfect size and color...and year...sooooo daddy-o & I went to go get her...i have to admit when i saw the shape she was in...i gagged! But he said we can do it...as i said no way! i am so thankful he said we can do it...i love her...
we spent many of summer nights as a family workin' on her...and low and behold i found out about sister's on the fly...i couldn't believe there were other gals out there like me...who love these lil' trailers! so in a blink of an eye i joined and had my first trip a week and a half later...we'll i went and was hooked!
you see each lady is sooooo different...and each trailer reflects that...i am the only 1950's themed trailer... although each lady tries to collect that era of camping goodies...it is sooo much fun to see each gals trailer and all their fun goodies...
i wanted my lil' cupcake trailer to reflect my style" the vintage housewife" full of what a 50's housewife might use in her lil' trailer...so i have many kitchen goodies, vintage dishes, 50's luggage, aprons, magazines, campin' thingy's and 50's ironin' board and sweet kitchen stool...all in pink. Even though pink isn't my favorite color...it was fun collecting all that yummy pink goodness!
My 1953 lil' cupcake has been pictured in Maryjanes Farm magazine and featured in Porch magazine as well...and i have been so honored to have many sassy ladies visit her and have their pictures taken with her...best of all is you gals and your sweet as sugar cookies comments! Thank you!
so i am so happy you'all swung by for a lil' trailer adventure...keep stoppin' in and check to see a few of my sisters trailers in the next week...i'll keep the fire burnin'...
happy trails...have a blast sisters...thanks for swingin' by my place...cat #997 a rooten' tooten' sassy vintage lil' junkin'rebel road sister...that's me!
Oh, doll, that's just a sad sight all the way around, why that pretty lil' trailer, all pink and purty...and ya'll ready to go shoppin'...but you are a GOOD mama to lil' cupcake and that's more important than anything else this ol' world has to offer!
I'll be prayin' she's comfortable while she's waitin' for her surgery and that you and yours are filled with strength and peace while you are carin' for your lil' cupcake:)
I really adore the story behind your sweet trailer...thanks for letting us newbies here about it!
We have been looking for 2 years for the one our dreams.. came close a few times.. but have not brought one home yet to redo!! I love yours!!
Oh WOW WOW WOW!!! That is the most amazing lil' trailer EVER!
Love, Love, Love your trailer! Hope the surgery goes well X
HI Cat, I'm Sheryl ...sister #777..always enjoy your blog...one of my favorites....hope to meet you one day...
OHMYWORD GIRL...I look at these old trailers all the time thinking about the possibilities. You and your family have done a wonderful job and you have a thing of beauty to be SO PROUD OF! I can just see you kickin' back in the campground and enjoying the "fruits of your labors"...GOOD JOB!
You've found the perfect pink accessories for your cute as bug trailer...great decorating job! You really have talent.
Hey Cat ...
I sure will keep your cupcake in my prayers ..!
Take Care Girl !!
Sara of Sweet Magnolias Farm
I hope your little kitten cupcake feels better soon. That is the most adorable trailer I have ever seen in my life. She was a lucky gal to find you. xx
We're sorry you and your Lil' Cupcake won't be joining us, but you need to take care of your sweet girl first!! You're in my prayers and you'll be with your Sisters in spirit. We'll see you next time...
I'm so sorry you weren't able to go on your trip but I'll be praying for your girl!
Thank you so much for taking us on a tour of your trailer, I just *drooled* the whole time! lol
Wow, I'm lovin' that little trailer of yours. I know I'd be ready to go...on a shoppin' trip with you any day of the week~
Praying for you and knowin' your sweet one will be safe in the arms of our God~
Oh, hon, I am so sorry you have a touch of the blues but that adorable pink trailer sure did cheer me up! I looooove seeing all of your pics, they just brighten my day! xoxoxo
Hello Darl'in Cat!
I will never tire seeing in person and through pictures your sweet as sugar cupcake trailer! It's the cutest one in town! Missing the sisters...thank heavens there will be many more adventures to attend, but Kern is a favorite! I will pray for your little chick. Bless her heart Cat. The worries of a Mother's heart. Kisses to her. YES, to using my trailer pictures and YES to getting together very soon for girl time! When, where, let's go! I can even come your way! xox
Love you Cat,
Your not the only sister home this weekend! I cant wait to hitch up and get along with my little Outlaw Annie! But, school and tests have me stuck at home this weekend!Oh well, I will get in a little time to work on a quilt! Happy Trails!
Lorri #752
I just love your blog! Your vintage trailer is to die for, cutest thin ever! I added you to my blog list, if thats alright? I've been blogging since last Christmas, my daughters got me doing it and i just love it! Come say hi, I live in So. Central Utah, red rock country...
Hey Sexy Girl!!!! Okay, so the "Run to the Sun" is October 21st-25th....I fully expect you and your Daddy-O to be here in Havasu. It is THE best car dealie-wop-do. Let me know!!! Free place to stay too!!!
Anita @ the Pink Funny Farm
My prayers are with your wee one. May she have a speedy recovery.
I love your trailer,You & hubby did a wonderful job on her!I enjoy your blog . I hope your daughter's operation goes well& she is better soon. I will be praying for her.
Oh this post just makes me happy. A bit of pink heaven on earth.
OH my goodness, Cat! I am ikn love, in love, in love!!! Of course I've seen your trailer before as I've been a loyal reader for a while now but it's good to finaly see the little details of it!
Would you PLEASE email me? I'd love to chat with you about SOTF as I am dying to join although mine little trailer isn't as vintage as yours is :( It's a 2006! lol
Super Cute Trailer! I LOVE the melamine cups hanging in a row like that!
Hey I found you through your comment on Welcome to DeluxeVille. I really like your blog and will be following you from now on.
Thanks for sharing such lovely photos of your sweet trailer.
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