Mar 8, 2015

Glitterfest Goodness!

I'm so excited kittens to share photos from Glitterfest here in California! I've wanted to go for years and finally got my rooten tooten self on over for a visit!
Amazed at the quality & spectacular vision these gals have! Happily I was welcomed by many gals who read my blog as well as some dear old friends! :)
It truly made a fantastic day:) so instead of writing,I think I will give you guys a peek at the goods'
Lots of glittery goods! Super sparkly people! And a fab Glitterfest of a time! Hope you enjoyed this show of quality!

1 comment:

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Looks like it was a fun day Cat! I have never been but have always heard it was a great marketplace.

Love ya,
Maryjane xox

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