Jan 27, 2015

Gettin away ! Trailer time

Stopping & Just gettin' away! Heya kittens hope your all off to a wonderful fresh New Year! I thought id post some photos of Moonshine Mama out Glampin'
The view and site were amazing 
I couldn't take my eyes off of water so gor-guss! My site:)
It was a lil chilly so I had a lil fire to warm me up;) ok heater but it set the stage...
My new wagon wheel chandelier I was so excited to have it up in time to glamp! 
Just cozy and comfy! How couldn't you relax!
Stopping to just get away is so much easier in a cute lil trailer! Thanks for swingin by for trailer time!


  1. I love your wagon wheel chandie! We had one growing up!!!! Wherever you were glaming, sure looked like it was wonderful! xox

  2. Your gypsy trailer is just adorable! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

  3. Your trailer is wonderful and I think your little fireplace is perfect for this time of year. It really adds to the coziness :) I'm so happy that I stopped by, it has started me day-dreaming about camping and getting my little home on wheels cleaned up and ready to roll:)
    Have a lovely day . . . oh, love that campsite, what a pretty view.
    Connie :)

  4. Hey Kat,
    How Cute your lil 'Moonshine mama' is!
    Are you going to be at (in Ventura) Calif. Dreaming in June and if so, are you bringing Moonshine Mama?
    Happy Trails

  5. Hey Kat,
    Just stopped in for a visit and found all your wonderful trailers. They are amazing, and decorated with so much character! I have several myself, litl' "Gypsy Rose". and my vintage 33' airstream. They are not just for glamping and hauling to art festivals, but I live in them during the summer when working on my organic vegetable farm. Love to have you stop by for a visit! cricketsongfarm.blogspot.com.
